Risk profiling
Determine your risk profile and your short/long term goals using the Morningstar risk assessment questionnaire

Asset Allocation

Investment Solutions

Traditional products
- Mutual funds (Direct & regular plans)

Capital markets
- Equity Services
- Derivative strategies

Fixed income
- AAA / AA + / A
- High Yield
- Unrated / Unlisted

Structured products
- Fixed coupon / PR based
- Principal protected / Non-Principal protected
- Index / Single stock / Stock basket / Commodity based

Research & Execution Capabilities
- Due diligence of investment opportunities
- Fulfilment capability
- Reporting capability (Portfolio analytics)
- Mobile/Desktop interface

Real estate
- Real estate funds
- High yield NCDs
- Real estate broking

Alternate investments
- PF / VC funds
- Distressed funds
- Structured credit

- Equity / Debt
- Long-short funds
- Long equity

- Investments approved under LRS